Wordle Helper and Solver Tool

Welcome to the Wordle Helper Tool! Solve word puzzles with ease.

What is Wordle Helper?

This Wordle Helper calculator can assist you in solving Wordle, Dordle, Quordle, Absurdle, Hello Wordl, or Seven Wordles puzzles. The word list provided contains all the possible words that can be solutions to Wordle puzzles.

Green Letters

Enter the correct letters that are colored green by Wordle into the green boxes. For example, if the first letter is "T", type "T" into the first green box, and the word list will get filtered to only show words that start with "T".

Yellow Letters

Enter misplaced letters that are colored yellow by Wordle into the yellow boxes. For example, if the second letter is "A" but not in the second position, type "A" into the second yellow box. More than one letter can be entered into each yellow box as you may make additional guesses in Wordle, which give you another yellow letter in the same position.

For example, if the letters are "A" and "S", type "AS" into the second yellow box. The word list will get filtered to only show words that contain both "A" and "S" but neither as the second letter.

Dark Gray Letters

Enter the wrong letters that are colored dark gray by Wordle into the dark gray box. The position of wrong letters within the word doesn't matter, so all wrong letters should be entered into a single input here.

For example, if the wrong letters are "ABC", type "ABC" into the dark gray box. The word list will get filtered to only show words that don't contain "A", "B", or "C".

Word List Order

The word list is ordered by how helpful guessing the word is likely to be. Words at the beginning of the list use letters that are lots of the remaining words. Words at the end of the list have duplicate letters or use letters that are in few remaining words.

Starting Over

To start over with no letters entered, use the "Clear" button under the word list.

Why aren't all words suggested?

Wordle actually has two-word lists: ~2,000 common words that can appear as answers and additional ~10,000 words that can be guessed but will never be answered. This calculator only suggests words that can be answered.